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Results for "5g"

If Verizon 5G Commercials Were Honest

If Verizon 5G Commercials Were Honest The companies are racing against themselves. "It is just crazy." "You don't need 5G when you have Wi-Fi." A must watch. Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters to you from Environmental Health Trust by subscribing to...

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The No 5G Political Party is Official in Australia

The No 5G Political Party is now official in Australia. Our mission is to protect life and freedom by regulating wireless 5G and associated technologies, and to establish a moratorium until such technologies are proven safe to health, the environment, privacy and...

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UK: Legal Case Filed Against 5G in Court

UK : Legal Action Against 5G led by Michael Mansfield QC have lodged their case against the government     More at  JUDICIAL REVIEW PROCEEDINGS LODGED IN THE HIGH COURT The Defendants are THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE:...

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Postcards to distribute urging people to protect the ones they love.
Postcard urging not to put phones in your bra.
Safety postcard