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Results for "brain tumor"

Questions About Health Effects of Cell Phone Radiation

Questions about Cell Phone Radiation Environmental Health Trust is asked a lot of questions about cell phones. Here are our top questions answered.  Q: Is cell phone radiation dangerous? A: An ever growing body of evidence shows that cell phone and wireless radiation...

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Cell Phone Radiation Health Effects Questions

Q: Is cell phone radiation dangerous? A: An ever growing body of evidence shows that cell phone and wireless radiation - at even very low levels-  could harm our health in a number of different ways. In 2011 the World Health Organization (WHO) classified cell phone...

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EHT Takes the FCC to Court

Victory! Environmental Health Trust wins in our case against the U/S.  Federal Communications Commission In Historic Decision, Federal Court Orders FCC to Explain Why It Ignored Scientific Evidence Showing Harm from Wireless Radiation    United States Court of...

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Schools Programs

The Environmental Health Trust is dedicated to educating the public and especially our young people on cell phone and wireless safety. In this day and age of smartphones and tablets and apps, it is important that we reach our children and teenagers so that they can...

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