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Results for "videos"

Questions and Answers Health Effects of Wi-Fi in School

Why are doctors concerned about wireless in schools?  Schools are a unique environment because there are so many wireless devices in each room.  All wireless devices (including cell phones, cordless landline phone, any item with Wi-Fi or bluetooth capability, etc.)...

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Health Effects of Wi-Fi Technology in Schools

Wi-Fi and Cell Phone Radiation in the ClassroomWi-Fi is invisible. The invisible wireless signals that Wi-Fi laptops, chromebooks, notebooks and tablets send and receive are wireless radio-frequency radiation. This exposure is linked to cancer, headaches, memory...

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Breast Cancer and Environmental Health

Breast Cancer Is An  Environmental Health issue   Dr. Devra Davis, EHT Co-Founder, and President has long championed the issue of environmental factors contributing to breast cancer.  "A substantial body of scientific evidence indicates that exposures to common...

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Raising Awareness on 5G, Cell Phones and Wireless Radiation

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH TRUST The Environmental Health Trust has been at the forefront of the environmental health issue of cell phone radiation for years. We are proud of our accomplishments and are working everyday to ensure the public and decision makers have the...

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Educational Materials for Classrooms

Students at every age level can learn about cell phone radiation and how they can reduce exposures. Here are educational resources and vetted science-based health curriculum you can use to educate your students today.    Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition...

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PTAs on Cell Phones, Wi-Fi and Cell Towers

Parent-Teacher Organizations Action on Wi-Fi, Cell Phones and Cell Towers at School Parent-teacher organizations have taken a variety of actions to address the health effects posed by cell towers near schools and wireless exposures in schools (from both cell phones...

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Parent Action on Wi-Fi in School

You are ready to ensure your child’s school has healthy technology.  Here is a step by step. Yes, you can spark positive change!  Many schools in the USA and worldwide are replacing wireless with safe wired technology connections. We recommend starting at your child’s...

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