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Results for "5g"

Directory of EMF Resources

The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) ICBE-EMF scientists report that exposure limits for radiofrequency (or wireless) radiation set by ICNIRP and the FCC are based on invalid assumptions and outdated science, and...

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Ridiculous Wi-Fi Tech

The lack of adequate safety standards to protect public health has led to the unfettered rollout of wireless technology and products like these coming on the market. EHT strongly opposes the use of these ridiculous Wi-Fi tech products as they increase exposure of...

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Known since antiquity as a poison, lead is a toxic metal for which there is no safe human exposure level. Scholars believe that the decline of the Roman Empire was in part due to the heavy use of lead-leaching pottery and water pipes that resulted in widespread...

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Electromagnetic Sensitivity

Electromagnetic Sensitivity also known as "microwave sickness"   We are all electrical.   The human body normally functions by using natural electromagnetic energy.  Humans are electromagnetic beings. Thus, we are all affected by electromagnetic fields in...

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Scientific Research on Wireless Radiation Health Effects

Peer-Reviewed Scientific Research on Wireless Radiation Health Effects Published Research Links Cell Phone and Wireless To Health Effects   Cell phones and wireless expose people to a type of microwave radiation also known as radiofrequency radiation or RF-EMF....

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Postcards to distribute urging people to protect the ones they love.
Postcard urging not to put phones in your bra.
Safety postcard