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Results for "energy"

ORSAA Releases Video on ICNIRP Wireless 5G is Not Safe

This is from ORSAA at his link    ORSAA decided to create a video on 5G Safety following a large number of requests from our members and beyond. Some quotes from the video .......... "There is no evidence of safety. On the other hand there is a voluminous...

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Reflex Study Finds Genotoxic Effects 2004

Title of the project: Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Energy Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods   Period covered by the progress report 1 February 2000 – 31 May 2004 Results and Milestones: The...

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FDA Researches 5G Cybersecurity Threats But Not Health Threats

FDA  Poster "Service Level Agreements for 5G and Beyond: Overview, Challenges and Enablers of 5G-Healthcare Systems" by Naeem Qureshi, Haneya, Manalastas, Marvin, Zaidi, Syed Muhammad Asad,  Imran, Ali,  Al Kalaa, Mohamad Omar LINK to the FDA Graphic "Service Level...

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