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Results for "wifi"

Testimony to FDA on Wireless Radiation and Toxins in Baby Food

Testimony to FDA on Children, Cell phones and Wireless Radiation on November 18, 2021 Theodora Scarato EHT Executive Director, presents testimony to the FDA on children's vulnerability to wireless radiation at the FDA Closer to Zero Action Plan Meeting on the "Impacts...

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Fine Print Warnings

The Fine Print Manufacturer Radio Frequency Radiation WarningsCell Phones“iPhone is evaluated in positions that simulate uses against the head, with no separation, and when worn or carried against the torso of the body, with 5 mm separation...To reduce exposure to RF...

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Evidence of Wireless Radiation Injuries Ignored by the FCC

After reviewing more than 14,000 pages of petitioners’ evidence, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the FCC’s 2019 decision not to update 1996 safety limits for wireless radiation was “arbitrary and capricious.”   Where...

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