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Parents Write to the FCC: Be on the Right Side of History

“Don’t vote to unleash a dangerous environmental pollutant on your friends, family, and, indeed, the whole country. Vote to protect your family, friends, and the country – vote “no” on Spectrum Frontiers. Be on the right side of history.”

microwave towerOn July 14, 2016 the FCC will be voting on Spectrum Frontiers. According to Wheeler’s June 20 remarks at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., “If the Commission approves my proposal next month, the United States will be the first country in the world to open up high-band spectrum for 5G networks and applications. And that’s damn important because it means U.S. companies will be first out of the gate… to make this work, 5G build out is going to be very infrastructure intensive, requiring a massive deployment of small cells.”

The FCC is being flooded with comments in opposition to such an action. Please read these letters.



Click here to send your letter to the FCC

Contact the FCC before July 13, 2016. They vote on the proposal on July 14, 2016.


Important: Get your comments on record both ways:

1. Submit your comments though this portal:

put in these filings: GN Docket No. 14-177, IB Docket No. 15-256, RM-11664, WT Docket No. 10-112 and IB Docket No. 97-95.

2. Email the FCC and elected officials. 

Tom Wheeler, Chairman

Mignon Clyburn, Commissioner

Jessica Rosenworcel, Commissioner

Ajit Pai, Commissioner

Michael O’Rielly, Commissioner Mike.O’

Emails here Mike.O’,,,,

Then, please send a copy of your letter to your U.S. Representative and Senators and the relevant committees (listed below).

Contact your Congressional Delegation (2 Senators and 1 Representative) Look them up and find their phone and FAX numbers at: and links to contact the two ranking members on webpage

U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation – Majority: 202-224-1251, Minority: 202-224-0411

U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources – (202) 224-4971

House Energy and Commerce Committee – (202) 225-2927

House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Phone: (202) 225-5074

U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions – (202)-224-5375

Call the White House – 202-456-1111. Ask President Obama to halt the rollout of 5G in light of the safety hazards.

Dear FCC Commissioners,

Spectrum Frontiers Proceeding is being represented as an unqualified good, but it is not. It will do great harm to human health and to the environment.

Please vote “no” to the Spectrum Frontiers Proceeding. There has been no NEPA review of the environmental and human health impacts of moving forward with 5G. The FCC has put the cart before the horse in promulgating rules for 5G without first studying the safety of 5G for humans and the environment. There is consensus within the scientific community that the existing FCC limits for wireless radiation do not protect the population from biological effects (

The National Toxicology Program recently released results showing that radiofrequency radiation (RFR) can indeed both break DNA and cause cancer ( and Furthermore, the literature on RFR in the very high frequency bands required for 5G document DNA breakages, serious cellular resonance effects, and other detrimental metabolic effects ( and http://www.stopglobalwifi/documents/2001_kositsky_et_al._-_ussr_review.pdf).

Non-industry funded studies have consistently found links between RFR and various negative biological effects ( They include serious neurological, cardiac, and metabolic effects, as well as DNA breakage which can lead to cancer and genetic defects (

My family has already experienced harm from the rapidly rising ambient levels of RFR.  I am attaching the comment that I submitted to FCC 13-39. The rising ambient RFR levels, due to the recent wireless insanity, are already causing my family to experience symptoms of Radiofrequency Sickness.  My sons get cardiac arrhythmias.  My wife is functionally impaired by RFR in multiple ways.  I experience high blood sugar and increased insulin resistance when I am exposed to RFR, in addition to other symptoms.

The rapidly increasing RFR levels is impacting our ability to earn a living.  I used to vend at farmers markets in Madison and I am no longer able to do so due to the rising ambient RFR levels causing serious neurological symptoms suggestive of incipient ALS.  The symptoms disappeared at the end of market season when I was able to spend time at my shielded home in much lower ambient RFR levels.  (The levels outside our home are hundreds to thousands of times lower than ambient Madison levels.  Even so I can tell the improvement in my health when I am inside my shielded home where the levels are a third to a tenth the ambient outside levels and peaks are reduced by over half.)  ALS is a progressive fatal neurological disorder whose incidence is increasing (  ALS is being linked to factors including oxidative damage (positively linked to smoking which causes oxidative damage), EMF exposure, and military service which would entail high levels of RFR exposure.  RFR has been shown to cause oxidative damage (  If my experience is any indicator, the FCC is directly responsible for those deaths by promoting a dangerous technology in complete disregard of the science and the scientists who are calling for biologically-based population-protective RFR safety limits.  This willful disregard of the consequences is a violation of our human rights and the Nuremberg Code of Ethics, please read “Wireless Technology Violates Human Rights,” attached and at

Studies, including the National Toxicology Program studies, have shown wireless to be a dangerous technology and 5G, according to Chairman Wheeler’s own comments, is an infrastructure intensive technology. So, invest in safe, wired infrastructure instead of spending a lot of money to saturate entire communities with hazardous radiation. The “cool” factor is not worth the peril.

Don’t vote to unleash a dangerous environmental pollutant on your friends, family, and, indeed, the whole country. Vote to protect your family, friends, and the country – vote “no” on Spectrum Frontiers. Be on the right side of history.


D. Kleiber

July 6, 2016

Dear FCC Commissioners,

Spectrum Frontiers Proceeding is being represented as an unqualified good, but it is not. It will do great harm to human health and the environment.

Please vote “no” to the Spectrum Frontiers Proceeding. There has been no NEPA review of the environmental and human health impacts of moving forward with 5G. The FCC has put the cart before the horse in promulgating rules for 5G without first studying the safety of 5G for humans and the environment. There is consensus within the scientific community that the existing FCC limits for wireless radiation do not protect the population from biological effects (

The National Toxicology Program recently release results showing that radiofrequency radiation (RFR) can indeed both break DNA and cause cancer ( and Please also see “SPIN vs FACT: National Toxicology Program report on cancer risk from cellphone radiation” (  Furthermore, the literature on RFR in the very high frequency bands required for 5G document DNA breakages, serious cellular resonance effects, and other detrimental metabolic effects ( and http://www.stopglobalwifi/documents/2001_kositsky_et_al._-_ussr_review.pdf).

Non-industry funded studies have consistently found links between RFR and various negative biological effects ( They include serious neurological, cardiac, and metabolic effects, as well as DNA breakage which can lead to cancer and genetic defects (

Studies, including the National Toxicology Program studies, have shown wireless to be a dangerous technology and 5G, according to Chairman Wheeler’s own comments, is an infrastructure intensive technology. So, invest in safe, wired infrastructure instead of spending a lot of money to saturate entire communities with hazardous radiation. The “cool” factor is not worth the peril.

It is time for the FCC to act in a precautionary way and stop promoting wireless, especially especially Spectrum Frontiers and WiFi.  WiFi is already causing radiofrequency sickness in children and adults.  The data suggests 5G is likely to be even more dangerous.  No one should be forced to be exposed to a carcinogen when connectivity can be achieved in safer ways.  You should be initiating proceedings to protect people from this dangerous pollutant by establishing meaningful biologically-based population protective RF safety limits, not forcing people to be exposed to more RF radiation.

There are effects far beyond cancer.  My family has had the misfortune to experience them firsthand.  It has been a nightmare.  I am attaching the comment I submitted to the FCC 13-39 asking them to establish the long-overdue biologically protective RF safety limits this country needs and deserves.  Not only is the FCC abdicating its responsibilities by not establishing meaningful biologically protective RF safety limits, it is violating human rights.  Please read “Wireless Technology Violates Human Rights,” attached and at  If you vote for Spectrum Frontiers, which will increase exposure to a carcinogen and pollutant with potent harmful biological activity, you will also be violating human rights and the Nuremberg Code of Ethics.

Not only is the radiation utilized by wireless technology dangerous to people, it is dangerous to the environment.  Please read the following reports:

The Supreme Court of India ordered cell towers removed from schools, colleges, hospitals and playgrounds in Rajasthan because of radiation being “hazardous to life.”  The court’s amazing 200+ page decision thoroughly reviews the worldwide evidence that cell towers are harming human beings and wildlife (

On July 5, 2013 the Supreme Court of India upheld this decision.

Steps for minimizing exposure to RF can be found at on the Solutions page. They could be used to make the United Stated on of the healthiest nations on the planet.

Don’t vote to unleash a dangerous environmental pollutant on your friends, family, and, indeed, the whole country.  Vote to protect your family, friends, and the country – vote “no” on Spectrum Frontiers. Be on the right side of history.


C. Kleiber

Please see “Wireless Technology Violates Human Rights” ( for more information about the very serious ways in which wireless technology violates human rights.

Protecting my health and that of others by using a hardwired computer in a low RF environment.  For more information, see