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Worldwide Action on Wi-Fi and Electromagnetic Radiation in School


Worldwide schools and governments are taking action to reduce levels of wireless and electromagnetic radiation in schools. Wireless exposures in schools come from cell phones, Wi-Fi, 5G virtual reality, and nearby cell towers/antennas. In addition, schools now have wireless security and equipment networks that create wireless exposures. Schools also will have magnetic field electromagnetic exposures from the nearby high-voltage powerlines. 

In addition to government country wide actions like replacing Wi-Fi with safe wired networks, individual school districts and individual schools are making changes. This page presents only a few of the worldwide policies moving forward. EHT is committed to safe technology in schools and regularly writes and briefs policymakers on the issue. 

(This page is hyperlinked to all sources.)


Protective Policy by Governments



France has banned Wi-Fi in kindergarten, restricts Wi-Fi in school by having the wireless off as the default setting, and teachers have wired (not wireless) computers for Internet access. In-school networks are being hardwired, and in situations where wireless is needed it is turned on only for a short duration in the classroom as needed and turned off after use. France also has banned cell phones in elementary/middle schools and started educating the public years ago with public health initiatives about how to reduce exposure. 



Cyprus has removed Wi-Fi from elementary classrooms and has a strong public awareness campaign educating parents, teenagers, and pregnant women. 



Belgium has banned cell phones manufactured for young children and also banned Wi-Fi in the kindergartens of Ghent.




Israel has banned Wi-Fi in nursery schools, restricts Wi-Fi in elementary grades, bans cell phones in classrooms, has a national institution educating on how to reduce cell phone radiation, and has a limit of 4 mG for EMF. 



French Polynesia also has removed Wi-Fi from nursery schools and turned the wireless off as the default setting, in addition to launching a major public health campaign for the country.



Mayors are calling for wired networks to replace Wi-Fi networks in schools in several cities in Europe such as Borgofranco d’Ivrea and Turin in Italy and Haifa, Israel. 

The video to the left is the Chief of Technology in Haifa Schools presenting how he hardwired the classrooms. 



In 2011, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) passed Resolution 1815 “The Potential Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields and Their Effect on the Environment,” which calls on European governments to “take all reasonable measures” to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields “particularly the exposure to children and young people who seem to be most at risk from head tumours…and particularly in schools and classrooms, give preference to wired Internet connections, and strictly regulate the use of mobile phones by school children on school premises.”  



In the United States, laws are launching government investigations into wireless exposures in schools, school districts are taking steps towards safer technology. 

  • In 2019, Oregon passed a bill, SB283, which directs the Oregon Health Authority to review peer-reviewed, independently funded scientific studies of health effects of exposure to microwave radiation, particularly exposure that results from use of wireless network technologies in schools, and to report to a Legislative Educational Assembly in 2021. 

  • In 2017, the Maryland State Children’s Environmental Health And Protection Advisory Council issued first ever state recommendations for reducing wireless exposure in schools by providing wired—rather than wireless—Internet connections.

  • The California State PTA passed a resolution on electromagnetic fields resolving to educate and inform decision makers and school communities on risk reduction policies for electromagnetic radiation.  

  • Several school districts (Petaluma, Montgomery County) have policies that tablets and notebook computers should be on tables (not laps)—prompted by parents raising the health issue of Wi-Fi in school.

  • The Los Angeles school district prohibits school cell towers and has set a wireless exposure limit that is 10,000 times lower than FCC limits, recognising the existence of biological effects. 

  • The Massachusetts Breast Cancer Association has released an educational curriculum  for students, elementary through high school. 




Many schools are becoming test beds for 5G equipment despite the fact that scientists are warning that 5G technology presents serious health implications.


Teacher Unions have issued resolutions, developed briefing materials and are urging education and protections for both teachers and staff.  

  • The United Educators of San Francisco passed a Resolution on Safer Technology calling for information on reducing cell phone use to be posted in classrooms and hosted informational  webinars

  • 2016 the  Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario called for a “WI-FI moratorium.”  



Private schools are also taking steps to remove sources of wireless and educate their parents, students, and teachers. 

  • Upper Sturt Primary School has a “WiFi and Cell Phone Policy,” providing an example of policy independent schools can practically implement.

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