Yes, it’s live: Gold Patreon Event: Telecom Whistleblower and “We Are Not SAM” Founder Rinat Shtrahlhofer and Educational Outreach Coordinator Tashi Lhamo
Thursday, March 18, 6:00 p.m. ET, 3:00 p.m. PT Zoom (registration required)
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Sam is a dummy. OK, he’s a mannequin. SAM, Standard Anthropomorphic Mannequin, is used by the telecommunications industry to test heating effects — and not other biological effects — of wireless radiation from 5G mobile phones on human heads.
We are not SAM yet the telecom industry wants you to believe that the experiments it uses on SAM are adequate to determine human outcomes. By the way, SAM’s giant head is modeled on a 200-pound adult male military recruit. Three percent of the world’s population has SAM’s head size.
Now, a former telecom industry whistleblower is leading the grassroots effort to stop using SAM as a substitute for science.
Join us Thursday March 18 as EHT Founder and President Devra Davis and EHT Executive Director Theodora Scarato speak with Rinat Strahlhofer, founder of the Australian-based We are Not SAM organization, and Tashi Lhamo, who manages We are Not SAM’s educational content. We Are Not SAM is a group of scientists, doctors, lawyers, whistleblowers, and advocates that helped secure Australia’s first moratorium on a proposed 5G tower upgrade.
Shrahlhofer and Lhamo will discuss efforts to take the organization’s 5G phone boycott international and to demand proof that the next generation of “smart” phones is safe for people, communities, and the environment.
Learn more about We Are Not SAM and sign their petition against the unfettered rollout of 5G. And ask your questions to Ms. Strahlhofer at our next Gold Patreon event. And feel free to download the We Are Not SAM strategy kit to learn how you can make a difference in your community.
DATE: Thursday March 18, 2021
TIME: 6:00 p.m. EST
LOCATION: Zoom (registration required)