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5G the Wave of Doubt

Risks of conflicts of interest with the telecoms industry

France TV Info’s latest investigation on the conflicts of interest in wireless and health features ICNIRP. Watch a short clip above and go to France Info for more here

Risks of conflicts of interest with the telecoms industry

“…journalists compiled more than 2,000 studies published in leading medical journals. Result: nearly 68% of this work concluded that there were biological effects (demonstrated, but not all triggering serious pathologies) below the exposure limit values.” 

“Are ICNIRP scientists completely independent? The journalists of “Complément d’Investigation” went through the CVs of its fourteen experts. Ten of them would be exposed to a risk of conflict of interest with the telecoms industry. Such as the Italian Guglielmo D’Inzeo, who was scientific advisor for two years for the operator Vodafone. Or the Swiss Martin Röösli, researcher in a foundation financed by mobile telephone operators.”

“As for the current vice-president of ICNIRP, he is the former number 2 of an association funded in part by the telecoms industry. Eric van Rongen is also an advisor to the WHO. The journalists went to interview him in Rotterdam …”

Extract from “5G: the wave of doubt”, a documentary to see in ” Further investigation ” on November 12, 2020. More at