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According. to the EMF Portal..

“The German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) is going to host the 1st European EMF Forum Conference “7 years of experience with the EMF directive” in Dortmund, Germany, from 23 to 24 November 2020. The aim is to exchange information on the practical application of the EMF Directive (2013/35/EU) in EU member states and discuss challenges in workshops or poster sessions. EMF-experts from ministries of labour and social affairs, governmental institutions like labour inspectorates or research institutions are invited to participate at the conference.”

1st European EMF Forum Conference “7 years of experience with the EMF directive”

What is this conference about? The aim is to exchange information on the practical application of the EMF Directive (2013/35/EU) in EU member states and discuss challenges in “in-depth” workshops or in front of your poster. Posters presented at the EEMFF-conference are eligible for the EEMFF-award. The EEMFF award characterizes best practice solutions for occupational safety and health with regard to electromagnetic fields established on a state, sector, or company-level, e. g. database, exchange platforms, implementation of exposure and risk assessment tools etc. providing compliance with occupational exposure limits.

Who is addressed by this conference? EMF-experts from ministries of labour and social affairs, governmental institutions like labour inspectorates, or research institutions are invited to participate at the conference.

European EMF Forum (EEMFF): The European EMF Forum is a network of national occupational safety and health institutions aiming to enhance the implementation of the EMF Directive (2013/35/EU) in the EU member states.

The conference is a combination of

  • Plenary lectures (including contributions by the European Commission, EMF-industry, and EMF-research)
  • “In-depth” workshops
  • Poster Session

“In-depth” Workshops

  1. Best practice in exposure assessment (qualification, equipment, uncertainty, …)
  2. Workers at particular risk (assessing active/passive implants, pregnant workers, …)
  3. New and complex sources (technology trends, future of occupational EMF research)
  4. Evolving the EMF Directive (potential impact of ICNIRP guidelines, …)
  5. Role of standardisation to enhance implementation of the EMF Directive (reasonable foreseeable use, compliance testing of 5G equipment, …)

Workshops might be held in parallel sessions.

Programme (PDF, 322 KB)
Invitation letter (PDF, 119 KB)
Poster Presentation Guidelines (PDF, 225 KB)
EEMFF Award Guidelines (PDF, 75 KB)
Templates for your poster and the corresponding extended abstract (ZIP, 2 MB)

Important Dates:
1 May: Registration opens
31 July: Poster abstract submission
31 August: To better prepare for the discussion around the implementation of the EMF Directive, please provide us with your 5 most important observations, challenges, or experiences during its implementation

Contact (organizational):


Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25D-44149 Dortmund, Germany

Details at