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The BC Teachers’ Federation has adopted this Wi-Fi resolution to protect teachers’ health.
March 18, 2013
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“The BCTF supports members who are suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity by ensuring that their medical needs are accommodated in the workplace.”

March 18, 2013:
Essentially, the BC Teachers’ Federation has adopted this Wi-Fi resolution to protect teachers’ health.

At this year’s BCTF AGM, the Nicola Valley Teacher’s Union (NVTU) put forward four Wi-Fi related resolutions. The first three resolutions A #137, B #138 and C #139 were not debated due to time constraints.

Resolution D #140 passed 366 to 259.

Since Resolutions B and C were already overwhelmingly approved last year at the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils’ (BCCPAC) annual general meeting, NVTU thought it best to pursue the issue of teachers’ health and safety in the workplace.

It was established at this AGM that a significant segment of the population – including teachers and students – is environmentally sensitive to the low level, non-ionizing radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by wireless devices and networks. These people experience immediate or delayed negative physical and biological reactions when exposed to such radiation. EHS persons currently have no alternative to avoid such exposure in schools.

The resolutions not discussed at this time are:

Resolution A: The BCTF recognizes the World Health Organization’s classification of radiofrequency/electromagnetic fields emitted by wireless devices as a 2B possible cancer risk to humans; that the BCTF ensures all teachers have the right to work in a safe environment, including the right to work in a Wi-Fi/ wireless-free environment.

Resolution B: The BCTF supports the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Council’s May 2012 resolution, which calls on each Board of Education to allocate one public school at each educational level (elementary, middle, secondary) to be free of wireless technology such as Wi-Fi, cordless phones and cell phones.

Resolution C: The BCTF supports the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils’ May 2012 resolution calling Boards of Education to cease to install Wi-Fi and other wireless networks in schools where other networking technology is feasible.