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Sun, 02/12/2012

EHT interns Lilian Hoang and Jeremy Ramlagan hung out with Steve Aoki [Dim Mak records] following his concert @ the Fillmore in Silver Spring, MD. at 1:30 AM.


Steve Aoki,  Founder of Dim Mak Records


EHT: When did you first become concerned about cell phone radiation?

Aoki: Well, I’ve always been concerned about cancer.  My dad died of cancer.  I began feeling pains in my head and after several MRI’s [and advice from medical experts]; I began exploring the effects of cell phone radiation.  I read Disconnect by Dr. Davis and immediately contacted her on email.  We’ve been friends ever since, and I’ve been Practicing Safe Phone.

EHT:  Your fan base is mostly young people.  They really need to be informed about the potential impact of cell phone radiation, considering their heavy exposure during critical development periods.  Any suggestions on how we can reach out/ convince young people that there is real need for concern?

Aoki:  I’ve helped Devra  (president of EHT) in the past and have publicly voiced my support for her and the EHT mission.  Unfortunately, I have to put most of my time (and money) into my [current and upcoming] businesses.  But, I am definitely with the program to show people how to be smart and safe, so I made a Public Service Announcement on YouTube.

EHT:  The real issue is convincing people.  Imagine telling someone in the 1950’s that smoking gives you lung cancer when the media is full of people using these devices and advertisements are everywhere?   That’s what we are up against.  Especially with males and the constant radiation their testes are absorbing.   The cell phone is pocketed for most of the conscious day and skin surrounding human testes is very vulnerable.  It really compromises the development of sperm.

Aoki:  Where do you keep your cell phone?

EHT:   Back pocket (if on body).

Aoki:  What about near the chest?

EHT:   [Mention of breast cancer], it’s best to keep it away from the body as much as possible.

Masseuse:  What about those shielding devices and special cases?

EHT:  They need to be studied to see whether they work.  In fact, EHT is currently investigating the efficiency of such PONG cases and the findings will be presented soon.

EHT:   So how long will you be stateside?

Aoki:   Until the end of February!

EHT:  Great.  We will brainstorm and contact you very soon with effective promotional ideas that won’t take much of your time.   Thanks for meeting with us and a really great show!

Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer?

“We’ve underplayed the possible threat from cell phones for too long…[Devra Davis] shows the way the industry has been able to twist science just enough to stave off the possibility of regulation.”
-TIME Magazine

In loving memory of David Servan-Schreiber, who passed away July 24, 2011



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