Environmental Health Trust submitted a statement for the record to the government of Canada on April 8, 2024, supporting inclusion of anthropogenic electromagnetic fields in national environmental safety standards being considered in its initiative to implement a framework for a Right to a Healthy Environment under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.
According to the Discussion Document on the implementation of the framework, the purpose of this initiative is to “stimulate dialogue and help focus discussions on key concepts and elements of the framework and to seek views on its design and potential application.”
Environmental Health Trust’s statement included the following key points for consideration:
- Wireless infrastructure and devices are rapidly increasing environmental pollution.
- Thousands of studies show deleterious effects on human health.
- Thousands of studies show deleterious effects on the environment with no government oversight or regulations to mitigate for these effects.
- Insects, especially pollinators, are more at risk the higher the frequencies and the denser the exposures.
- Plants and trees are equally at risk.
- New technology lacks safety data.
- The U.S. federal lawsuit in Environmental Health Trust et al. v. FCC demonstrated that current exposure guidelines fail to consider effects on children, the environment, and the ubiquity of exposure since guidelines were first issued by the Federal Communications Commission in 1996.
- Numerous medical groups have called for policies to reduce exposure to children and fetuses.
- 5G is increasing energy consumption thus increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
- Environmental Health Trust recommendations protect biodiversity.
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