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Cell Towers: Everything You Need To Know

A cell tower next to a school

At A Glance…

  • Cell towers emit radiation; the same type as your microwave oven.
  • Cell tower radiation was classified a “possible” carcinogen.
  • Scientists recommend children reduce exposure to radiation.
  • Children are vulnerable, due to their developing brains and bodies.
  • Research shows a link between cell tower radiation and cancer.
  • Research has also found fatigue, sleep issues, and headaches.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics acknowledges research.
  • Wireless radiation is considered “high risk” by insurance industry.
  • Firefighters oppose cell towers at stations, citing health effects.
  • FCC radiation guidelines haven’t been updated since 1996.
  • There is no proof of safety.


Read the peer reviewed published research on cell tower radiation and health effects.

FAQs: Cell Towers at Schools

Cell Towers Lower Property Values

Read Letters From Doctors

Firefighters Oppose Towers

What You Can Do

  1. Check out our step-by-step page on Cell Towers In Your Community.
  2. Raise awareness and educate your community about the health effects of cell tower radiation.
  3. Through a Public Information Request, get all documents related to the tower, the lease, the plans, the monetary agreement.
  4. Ensure your local press is covering community concern. Call and tell them to cover citizen opposition.
  5. Contact all your elected officials and communicate your concerns to them. They are accountable to you.
  6. Write local officials with all your questions. Share this information with the community.
  7. Call for transparency, accountability, due diligence, and safety for your community.