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US Agencies and Federal Policies

Opinion: New 5G Frequencies Could Jam Critical Flight Instruments

Opinion: New 5G Frequencies Could Jam Critical Flight Instruments published in Aviation Week by John Herron. Excerpts  "Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a pesky problem. The strategy of telecom giants, their lobbyists and to an extent the FCC are captured by the...

Testimony to FDA on Wireless Radiation and Toxins in Baby Food

Testimony to FDA on Children, Cell phones and Wireless Radiation on November 18, 2021 Theodora Scarato EHT Executive Director, presents testimony to the FDA on children's vulnerability to wireless radiation at the FDA Closer to Zero Action Plan Meeting on the "Impacts...

TR Daily: FCC Urged to Refresh RF Standards Dockets

FCC Urged to Refresh Radio Frequency Radiation Standards Dockets Dec. 1, 2021 Reprinted with permission of TR Daily. PDF The Environmental Health Trust (EHT) has asked the FCC to reopen a proceeding on its RF standards rules “and allow for the record to be refreshed...

Wireless Radiation and Children’s Health:

“There hasn’t been any adequate review of the research on impacts to children by any US agency.” - Theodora Scarato.  Environmental Health Trust Theodora Scarato (Environmental Health Trust), Dr. Uloma Uche (Environmental Working Group), and Dr. Jerome Paulson MD,...

Timeline of Development of Safety Limits for Wireless Radiation in US

Stay updated on the latest news by signing up for EHT's newsletter here. After WWII: US begins robust interagency research: 1957 Conference Report,  1967 Air Force Report, 1971 Naval Report, 1978 Report Office of Science & Technology, 1978 Conference, 1979 Dept of...