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US Agencies and Federal Policies

1997 FDA Letter To Congress on Cell Phone Radiation

Food and Drug Administration Rockville MD 20857 May 5, 1997 The Honorable Edward J. Markey Ranking Minority Member Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade, and Consumer Protection Committee on Commerce House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515-2107 Dear Mr....

Berkeley Non Violent Protests Against Wireless Antennas 

   Berkeley  Non Violent Protests Against Wireless Antennas  A local group, Wireless Radiation and Defense (WiRED) is pushing for amendments to the cell tower and cell antenna laws to better protect the public. They have launched non violent protests against...

Children Injured by Wireless Radiation- Kleiber Family Amicus Brief

Dan and Catherine Kleiber submitted an Amicus Curiae Brief in support of Environmental Health Trust et al., v. FCC “Dan and Catherine Kleiber and their children have been injured by the outdated thermally-based radiofrequency/microwave (RF/MW) exposure guidelines...

Brief Filed in Landmark Case Against FCC on 5G and Wireless Regulations

FCC Ignored Evidence of Wireless Harm Brief Filed in Landmark Case Against FCC on 5G and Wireless Regulations Washington, DC, July 30, 2020 -- Environmental Health Trust (EHT), the scientific think tank headed by Devra Davis PhD, MPH, filed its principal brief in the...