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US Agencies and Federal Policies

Join Environmental Health Trust’s Safe Tech Challenge

      WASHINGTON, DC—Environmental Health Trust is launching a new initiative — the #SafeTechChallenge — for individuals to share how they use technology in ways that minimize health risks. The #SafeTechChallenge is part of EHT's newest campaign to inspire...

Changes to the National Toxicology Webpage on Cell Phone Radiation

The US National Toxicology Program (NTP) made changes to their website text. As of August 13, 2020 changes were made to 1. Behavior and recommendations of  NTP scientists regarding their personal use of cell phone radiation and 2. Information on 5g health effects. ...

The EPA Website Changes: EMF Safety Issues Removed

Summary of the EPA website changes   From 2006 to 2014 the EPA website text on wireless technology stated that research on long term effects was ongoing. From 2014 to 2019 the EPA Webpage was changed to downplay potential health effects from wireless. In 2019 the...

Bermuda: Environmental & Health Groups On 5G

Bermuda has halted 5G and launched a consultation in the safety of Federal Communications Commission human exposure limits, millimeter waves and 5G technology.   On November 17, a panel presentation featuring numerous experts was broadcast live including Dr. Paul...