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Ho, Ho, No! Why iPads and iPhones are Not Kids’ Toys

Good news for parents: the annual tradition involving a mad rush on one hot toy is over. In its place, parents are scurrying to find the coolest electronic devices.  Those clamoring to stuff their kids’ holiday stockings with the latest electronic gadgets would do...

Happy Thanksgivukkah from EHT

Environmental Health Trust wants you to celebrate this once in about 80,000 year opportunity. Thanksgivukkah is the newly invented name given to the one day on which both Thanksgiving and Hannukkah fall.   As Americans we traditionally give thanks to the 17th century...


(From left to right), Lloyd Morgan, EHT senior scientist; Dr. David Gultekin of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; Dr. Devra Davis, EHT president; Huseyin Aksoy, governor of Samsun Province, Tukey; Dr. Suleyman Kaplan, founding president of the Turkish Society...

Breasts Getting the Attention they Deserve

On June 15th, 2013 the world was paying attention to breasts, cell phones and the potential link to breast cancer.  At the 42nd Annual Northern California Area Emmy Awards, reporter John Fowler and producer Sharon Navratil from KTVU Channel 2 in the Bay Area won the...