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School Staff Action Steps on Cell Phones and Wi-Fi

Worldwide teachers and school staff are taking action to ensure their workplace is safe and the students they love are healthy. The issue of cell phones and Wi-Fi in school is an occupational health issue. Teachers who are pregnant or who have pre-existing medical...

Educational Materials for Classrooms

Students at every age level can learn about cell phone radiation and how they can reduce exposures. Here are educational resources and vetted science-based health curriculum you can use to educate your students today.    Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition...

Laptops Manufacturers Warn the Human Body Conducts Electricity

Safety tip for laptops: Use a three prong grounded power cable to charge your laptop. A grounded charging cable has three prongs in the plug that goes into the wall electrical outlet. Mac laptops do not come with a three-prong plug but you easily can order a three...

Webinar: How to Set Up a Safer, Low-EMF Work Computer Station!

Environmental Health Trust's Theodora Scarato Will Show You How to Set Up a Safer, Low-EMF Work Station! During this time of social distancing, most of us are spending much longer periods of time indoors, inside our homes on screens for work and for school. There are...

Reducing Exposure to Magnetic Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and EMI)

Humankind has created several types of artificial non-ionizing electromagnetic (EMF) radiation. Electricity has enabled incredible discoveries and undoubtedly improved everyone's quality of life. Non-ionizing EMFs impact living beings, even at "low" levels. When it...