Explore Massachusetts Wireless Safety Bills: Understanding Proposed Laws and Public Safety Impact for Informed Action.
Lenox, MA Expert Forum on Wireless Zoning Bylaws, Staying Connected and Protected, 11/17/22
Wireless radiation is linked to numerous health effects and communities are enacting laws to restrict installations near homes. Jonathan Mirin of Hilltown Health hosted technology safety experts Scott McCollough, Telecommunications Attorney; Dr. Kent Chamberlin of the...
Pittsfield, MA Board of Health Unanimously Votes To Issue Cease and Desist For Verizon Cell Tower
Pittsfield, MA Board of Health Unanimously Votes To Issue Cease and Desist For Verizon Cell Tower First known cease and desist for cell tower due to injuries in United States of America will be effective in 7 days if Verizon does not come to the table. On...
Massachusetts Smartmeter Bill Action Steps
Action Steps Reposted from Massachusetts Senator Moore sponsored legislation offering Massachusetts residents the option to choose a non-transmitting utility meter, with no punitive surcharges. Bill S.2204 192nd An Act relative to smart meters The deadline for...