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Research Studies to Know

Recent Studies Show Wireless Radiation Impacts Fertility  

Recent Studies Show Wireless Radiation Impacts Fertility   Press Release online link:  Recent Studies Show Wireless Radiation Impacts Fertility   Doctors caution that research finds sperm damage, reduced testosterone and impacts to ovaries   WASHINGTON, March 25,...

Published Research on Health Effects of 4G LTE

 Published Research on 4G LTE   The fourth generation (4G) of cellular technology called Long Term Evolution (LTE) was launched without premarket safety testing for long term exposure. Published research has found adverse effects from exposure.    The study...

Insights on wireless radiation from a physicist

Dr. Leendert Vriens, a retired physicist and expert in radiofrequency (wireless) radiation from the Netherlands shares the science on electromagnetic radiation in this  interview with Lyn McLean of EMR Australia He provides important insights about this radiation, how...

Wireless Radiation Impacts the Brain

The brain is sensitive to wireless radiation exposure. Scientists consider the nervous system to be one of the primary systems impacted by wireless and electromagnetic radiation.  An NIH study made headlines in 2011 when it found cell phone radiation altered brain...