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Research Studies to Know

Electromagnetic Radiation, Wildlife and Environment

Electromagnetic Radiation, Wildlife and Environment The harmful effects of wireless radiation extend beyond human health. FCC’s limits were only designed for humans, not animals. Despite numerous studies showing harmful effects from wireless and non-ionizing...

PBS WHYY: How One California Couple Beat 5G

PBS WHYY: How One California Couple Beat 5G A newly released investigation on 5G features the story of Moira and Mark Hahn who successfully fought to stop a 5G cell tower proposed for their front yard, right above their butterfly garden.   The investigative piece by...

Study: Cell Phone Radiation, Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

New study Pre and postnatal exposure to 900 MHz electromagnetic fields induce inflammation and oxidative stress, and alter renin-angiotensin system components differently in male and female offsprings find harmful effects in rats exposed to cell phone radiation for 1...

Cell Tower at Schools Health Effects Safety FAQs

Cell Tower at Schools Health Effects Safety FAQs Cell towers, 5G and cell antennas emit a type of non-ionizing radiation called radiofrequency (RF) radiation. The companies seem to say it is safe to put these antennas on school grounds because the radiation emissions...