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Research Studies to Know

Wireless Radiation Health Effects: Chronic Oxidative Stress

Cell phones, Wi-Fi and cell towers all emit radio-frequency (RF) radiation. Numerous research studies link RF exposure to oxidative stress, a critical health endpoint. Chronic oxidative stress is connected to cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, and many...

Health Effects of Cell Towers Near Homes and Schools

Cell towers emit a type of radiation. Cell towers have wireless antennas that emit radio frequency (RF) non-ionizing radiation. When these antennas are close to our homes and schools, our daily exposure to RF radiation is increased. RF radiation is considered a new...

Radiofrequency Radiation From Wireless: Are Safety Limits Valid

An ICBE-EMF Sponsored Webinar Program ICBE-EMF-Sponsored Workshop at the Royal Society of Medicine in London RADIOFREQUENCY RADIATION FROM WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SOURCES ARE SAFETY LIMITS VALID? Wednesday June 14 from 2:00 pm (14:00) to 5:30pm (17:30), London,...