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Research Studies to Know

Scientific Citations on Wireless Radiation in Schools 

Scientific Citations on Wi-Fi Radiation  Download a PDF HERE This is just a few examples of the science showing effects from Wi-Fi and wireless.  Pall M., Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health, Environmental Research Volume 164, July 2018, Pages 405-416  ...

5G and Health Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D Grand Rounds, UC San Francisco

"Radio Frequency Radiation Health Risks: Implications for 5G" (Grand Rounds, UC San Francisco) Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., at the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Grand Rounds, University of California, San Francisco on September 24, 2020. His presentation...

Smartphone Blue Light is Linked to Colon Cancer and Depression

Smartphones emit several types of electromagnetic fields that can harm our health. In addition to  harmful radio-frequency radiation, they also emit blue light.  While humans have always been exposed to natural blue light frequencies in nature, our use of smartphones...