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Press Releases

Study Finds Wireless Radiation Affects Wildlife 

Study Finds Wireless Radiation Affects Wildlife  Landmark review concludes regulations are urgently needed to protect flora and fauna  WASHINGTON, Jan. 13, 2021— New research by U.S. experts calls for updated laws to protect wildlife from wireless radiation. The...

Kids and Smartphones: A Warning for Parents about Harmful Impacts

Kids and smartphones: a warning for parents about harmful impacts Environmental Health Trust has compiled research on how to decrease  cell phone radiation exposure- download it here.  Sign up for EHT's newsletter here.  PhD researcher Sumudu Mallawaarachchi and Dr...

High Radiation From Millimeter Wave 5G Deployment in Austin Texas

Radiation Analysis in a Gradual 5G Network Deployment Strategy by Ahmad M. El-Hajj and  Tarek Naous of  the Electrical & Computer Eng. Department of Beirut Arab University A 2020 paper analyzed the radio frequency radiation  environment that would result if a ...

Brief Filed in Landmark Case Against FCC on 5G and Wireless Regulations

FCC Ignored Evidence of Wireless Harm Brief Filed in Landmark Case Against FCC on 5G and Wireless Regulations Washington, DC, July 30, 2020 -- Environmental Health Trust (EHT), the scientific think tank headed by Devra Davis PhD, MPH, filed its principal brief in the...

Russia Bans Wi-Fi and Smartphones For Distance Learning

 2020 Health and Safety Rules for Distance Learning The Russia Ministry of Health has set new health and safety rules banning Wi-Fi and banning smartphones for distance learning. The Guide "Hygienic standards and special requirements for the device, content and modes...