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Policy News

Questions sent to ICNIRP Chairman Dr. Rodney Croft in Fall of 2020. 

Questions sent to ICNIRP Chairman Dr. Rodney Croft in Fall of 2020. In response to the below questions send in November 2020, Croft  stated, "In terms of the questions that you sent before, as I advised before, I do not have time to address these within my University...

Alabama Proclamation on Electromagnetic Sensitivity 2020

The Governor of Alabama  has issued a 2020 Proclamation on Electromagnetic Sensitivity     "Whereas, people of all ages in Alabama and throughout the world have developed the illness of Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) aka Electrical Sensitivity or Microwave...

Easton Connecticut USA Bans 5G

Easton Connecticut Passes Resolution Calling for a Halt to 5G  Breaking News May 20, 2020 Easton Connecticut has voted to ban 5G.  A 5G cease and desist resolution was unanimously approved by Easton Connecticut on May 7 2020. This action follows extensive...