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National Toxicology Program Cell Phone Study

Groups, Cities Fight Bills to Speed 5G Wireless Broadband Expansion

Groups, Cities Fight Bills to Speed 5G Wireless Broadband Expansion "You know, many of our kids are not going to afford 5G," he said, "so, there's going to be an increase in cost, which is the primary barrier in the digital divide." Public News Service By Suzanne...

Changes to the National Toxicology Webpage on Cell Phone Radiation

The US National Toxicology Program (NTP) made changes to their website text. As of August 13, 2020 changes were made to 1. Behavior and recommendations of  NTP scientists regarding their personal use of cell phone radiation and 2. Information on 5g health effects. ...

TR Daily: NTP Upgrades Confidence Levels for RFR-Tumor Links

TR Daily: NTP Upgrades Confidence Levels for RFR-Tumor Links Reprinted with permission of TR Daily, November 01, 2018 The National Toxicology Program (NTP) announced today that is has accepted the recommendations of an expert peer-review panel and upgraded the...