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Cell Towers

Health Effects Studies on Cell Tower Radiation 

Health Effects Studies on Cell Tower Radiation    Yakymenko, I., Sidorik, E., Kyrylenko, S., & Chekhun, V. (2011). Long-term exposure to microwave radiation provokes cancer growth: Evidences from radars and mobile communication systems. Experimental Oncology,...

We Want it Taken Down: 24 Hour Vigil for Cell Tower in Kerry Ireland

The community of Inch in Kerry Ireland maintained a 24-hour vigil outside a telecoms mast that was erected near a family home last week. Towercom built the 24 meter high telecommunications monopole on their own site – and with full planning permission – within meters...

Letter: Justin-Siena should abandon plan for cell tower on campus

Letter: Justin-Siena should abandon plan for cell tower on campus We were very disappointed to read the article in the Napa Valley Register dated March 7, “Planners approve Dish antenna,” regarding the Napa Planning Commission's approval of a second macro cell tower...

Published Research on Health Effects of 4G LTE

 Published Research on 4G LTE   The fourth generation (4G) of cellular technology called Long Term Evolution (LTE) was launched without premarket safety testing for long term exposure. Published research has found adverse effects from exposure.    The study...