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cell phone

Cell Phones, Electromagnetic Fields and Your Health

Theodora Scarato MSW is the Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust (EHT), a scientific think tank that publishes research and educates policymakers on environmental health issues.   She is a co-author of a chapter in the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy...

Excessive smartphone screen time linked to earlier puberty onset

Excessive smartphone screen time linked to earlier puberty onset conference abstract, experimental study, rats Reports and Proceedings EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR PAEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY Exposure to blue light, via regular use of tablets and smartphones, may alter hormone...

Wife of Apollo Astronaut, Sheilah Mitchell, on cell phone safety

Wife of Apollo Astronaut, Sheilah Mitchell on cell phone safety from Rubicon Rising on Vimeo. Sheilah Mitchell was married to Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth American to walk on the moon. Their son, Adam, contracted cancer after carrying his active cell...