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Wireless Radiation: What Environmental Health Leaders Should Know

Wireless Radiation: What Environmental Health Leaders Should Know Peer-reviewed research has found a myriad of adverse effects from wireless radiofrequency radiation exposure including increased brain cancer, DNA damage, oxidative stress, immune dysfunction,  altered...

TR Daily: FCC Urged to Refresh RF Standards Dockets

FCC Urged to Refresh Radio Frequency Radiation Standards Dockets Dec. 1, 2021 Reprinted with permission of TR Daily. PDF The Environmental Health Trust (EHT) has asked the FCC to reopen a proceeding on its RF standards rules “and allow for the record to be refreshed...

New Wireless Codes for the City of Ithaca New York

Environmental Health Trust  and several other experts and residents testified to the Ithaca City Council  on the day of their vote. Residents and experts had worked for a long time towards community protective rules for cell antennas. Residents had hoped that their...

New Film on Cell Phone Radiation “Something Is In The Air”

The film “Something is in the Air” asks if the radiation from your cell phone or cell towers is harmful to your health. What about cell tower radiation impacts to bees and pollinators? Are scientific conclusions tied to the interests of those who fund the studies? How...