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Tell the FCC: Wi-Fi in School Buses is Not Safe For Kids 

URGENT: Tell the FCC: Wi-Fi in School Buses is Not Safe For Kids  The FCC is proposing expanding the e-rate program to fund Wi-Fi on school buses.  October 12 is the deadline to submit comments regarding FCC funding for Wi-Fi on school buses and wireless in schools...

Cell phone use to be banned in schools in England 

"Congratulations to England for banning cell phones in the classroom. It is time for schools to put children's learning first," stated Theodora Scarato Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust. "According to the 2023 UN report one in seven countries bans the...

Italy Refuses to Loosen Wireless Radiation Limits For 5G 

Italy Refuses to Loosen Wireless Radiation Limits For 5G  The Italian government has halted a controversial proposal that would have weakened the country’s strict wireless radiation exposure limits.  The now defunct proposal was intended to support 5G networks by...

Wireless Radiation Health Effects: Chronic Oxidative Stress

Cell phones, Wi-Fi and cell towers all emit radio-frequency (RF) radiation. Numerous research studies link RF exposure to oxidative stress, a critical health endpoint. Chronic oxidative stress is connected to cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, and many...