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Dr. Davis’ published articles

What the 5G GiveAway Means for Teton County

"What the 5G GiveAway Means for Teton County" Jackson Hole News and Guide November 21, 2018 See this online at Jackson Hole News and Guide here.  Lost in the swirl of election issues is the biggest subsidy to the most successful industry in history.   At this very...

Washington DC is Ground Zero for the Race to 5G

Washington DC is Ground Zero for the Race to 5G but is the American Public Fully Informed?   For both reporters and scientists, frank and candid discussions of telecommunications science has become a third rail – – touch it and you perish. Last month PC Magazine...

Baltimore Sun: Wifi in Md. Schools May Put Your Kid at Risk for Cancer

by Devra Lee Davis PhD, MPH  Thank you, Gov. Larry Hogan, for appointing thoughtful, brave medical experts to Maryland's Children's Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council (CEHPAC). Your next challenge is to get the Maryland school superintendents to heed...