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New Study: Wireless Radiation Negatively Impacts Human Cells  

New Study: Wireless Radiation Negatively Impacts Human Cells   November 24, 203: Research on human cells exposed to wireless frequencies published in the journal Biomedicines found numerous impacts including increased oxidative stress and impacts to mitochondrial...

The Pros and Cons of 5G: Wireless Health Effects by Magda Havas PHD

The Pros and Cons of 5G The Pros and Cons of 5G: Wireless Health Effects by Magda Havas PHD This presentation by Magda Havas PhD was designed for the District of Muskoka (Canada) regarding a proposed  5G antenna. The Root-Cause Protocol to Treat EHS is about common...

Italy Refuses to Loosen Wireless Radiation Limits For 5G 

Italy Refuses to Loosen Wireless Radiation Limits For 5G  The Italian government has halted a controversial proposal that would have weakened the country’s strict wireless radiation exposure limits.  The now defunct proposal was intended to support 5G networks by...