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Study: The Effect of Millimeter-Waves on Sperm

A sperm study abstract  submitted to the virtual The Biochemistry Global Summit (25th IUBMB Congress, 46th FEBS Congress and 15th PABMB Congress) from 9th to 14th July 2022 reported bio-effects to sperm from millimeter waves. Millimeter waves are planned for new 5G...

Cell Tower Safety Risks Fires and Collapse

Cell Tower Fires, Collapse and Criminal Activity Cell towers present safety risks when proposed at schools and in neighborhoods. Cell towers are industrial machinery and have series risks. In addition, worker safety has been an ongoing safety issue. If a cell tower is...

FDA States They Are Not Responsible for 5G

The FDA has not researched 5G, nor cell towers. In addition, the FDA has not evaluated the totality of the science on wireless radiation. There is no FDA report or review that looks at issues such as impacts to memory, pregnancy or reproduction. There is no FDA report...

If 5G is So Safe ? Part 1. Scientists and Medical Organizations

If 5G, cell towers, and wireless are so safe, then why do all these organizations recommend reducing wireless exposure? 5G Appeal to the European Union by Hundreds of Scientists   American Academy of Pediatrics - Letters Calling for Updating Radiation Standards US...