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5G News

New York Community Board 8 Moratorium on 5G

The New York Community Board 8 Unanimously Voted For A Moratorium on 5G Large ugly 5G poles are being erected across New York City and media reports that residents are not happy.  On December 15th the Full New York Community Board 8 voted to pass the 5G moratorium....

Media Stories Featuring Environmental Health Trust

Environmental Health Trust is a scientific non-profit focused on raising awareness of preventable health risks. Here are some news articles featuring EHT's science-based information. New Hampshire Lawmakers Consider Cell Tower Restrictions “Theodora Scarato, executive...

Astronomers Worldwide Troubled by New ‘Cell Phone Towers in Space

Astronomers Worldwide Troubled by New 'Cell Phone Towers in Space' Eric Mack, CNET, Nov 28, 2022 A sprawling new satellite built to connect directly with mobile phones on the surface is brighter than most of the stars in the night sky, according to astronomers who are...

Worldwide Proclamations on Electromagnetic Sensitivity 

U.S. Proclamations on Electromagnetic Sensitivity  Alabama State Proclamation on Electromagnetic Sensitivity  Colorado State Proclamation on Electromagnetic Sensitivity  Florida State Proclamation on Electromagnetic Sensitivity  Connecticut State Proclamation on...