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5G News

The FCC Is Supposed to Protect the Environment. It Doesn’t.

The FCC Is Supposed to Protect the Environment. It Doesn’t. The agency is mandated to safeguard the environment from damage caused by communication infrastructure. But when companies want to add new cell phone towers, build on protected land or launch satellites, the...

Film Gives Voice to Electromagnetic Radiation Disability

Remembering Nearfield is an international animated film and is a finalist at the Lisbon Film Rendezvous festival with a November public screening and has been nominated a Finalist at the Rome Prisma Film Awards 2023 and Istanbul Golden Bridge Short Film Festival. It...

Electromagnetic Radiation, Wildlife and Environment

Electromagnetic Radiation, Wildlife and Environment The harmful effects of wireless radiation extend beyond human health. FCC’s limits were only designed for humans, not animals. Despite numerous studies showing harmful effects from wireless and non-ionizing...

Parents Protesting Cell Tower at School Joined by Lawmakers

In Wyandotte Michigan, parents are successfully protesting the installation of 5G cell tower antennas on an elementary school, due to the health effects issue. The story has resulted in near daily news coverage and the superintendent has resigned.  Lawmakers are...

PBS WHYY: How One California Couple Beat 5G

PBS WHYY: How One California Couple Beat 5G A newly released investigation on 5G features the story of Moira and Mark Hahn who successfully fought to stop a 5G cell tower proposed for their front yard, right above their butterfly garden.   The investigative piece by...