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5G News

Hallandale Beach Florida Passes 5G Small Cell Tower Resolution

  PRESS RELEASE: HALLANDALE BEACH, FL PASSES 5G SMALL CELL TOWER RESOLUTION April 3rd, 2019 Contact: Carolina Lavayen Founder – Stop 5G Florida   On April 3, 2019, the commissioners unanimously passed a resolution of the mayor and...

International Actions to Halt and Delay 5G

International Actions to Halt  and Delay 5G The growing awareness of the health impact of the 4G/5G densification is resulting in action by policymakers worldwide. Cities are issuing resolutions and calls for research before deployment. There are citizen organizations...

What the 5G GiveAway Means for Teton County

"What the 5G GiveAway Means for Teton County" Jackson Hole News and Guide November 21, 2018 See this online at Jackson Hole News and Guide here.  Lost in the swirl of election issues is the biggest subsidy to the most successful industry in history.   At this very...