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5G News

Nigeria Senate Debates 5G

The Senate of Nigeria is Debating  the Health and Safety of 5G.  The Senate of Nigeria has directed the Federal Government to suspend the planned deployment of the Fifth Generation Network until the issue of health and safety is investigated. The motion was...

Legal Action Against 5G in the United Kingdom

 Legal Action Against 5G in the United Kingdom PLEASE SUPPORT THIS ACTION BY MAKING A CONTRIBUTION AT ACTIONAGAINST5G.ORG “This UK legal case is headed by Michael Mansfield QC, renowned for upholding Human Rights. “We bring this case because we lack confidence in...

Environmental Working Groups comments to the FCC

May 13, 2020 Environmental Working Groups comments to the Federal Communications Commission proposed rule on Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields "Research by the National Toxicology Program, or NTP, which conducted the largestever animal study of...

How long is a 5G wireless frequency? 

How long is a 5G wireless frequency? All of the waves listed below are examples of both Microwaves and Radio waves, therefore, scientists use the term Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation (RF/MW radiation) to describe this entire range of wavelengths/frequencies. The...

Belgium Minister Responds After Municipalities File Complaints About 5G

Minister Responds After Belgian Municipalities File Complaints About 5G Some Telecom Providers are Forced to Halt Rollout According to news reports, municipalities in Belgium are filing complaints about 5G, Telecom provider Proximus has stopped the roll-out of its “5G...

Nigerian Senate To Suspend 5G Deployment Until Safety Evaluation

The Nigerian Senate  asked the Federal Government to suspend the planned deployment of the Fifth Generation Network in Nigeria. The Senate asked its committees on Communication, Science, Technology and ICT, and that of Health to conduct a thorough investigation with a...

Luxembourg Government to Debate 5G Deployment and Health Effects

Luxembourg Government to Debate 5G Deployment and Health Effects A Message from Citizens of Luxembourg who have been working to raise awareness of the health and environmental effects of 5G. "Here is what we made happen: - on Friday April, 24th our petition claiming...

France Measuring Radiation Increases in 5G Deployment

5G & Wireless Radiation Levels Measured Day & Night in Two Cities in France: Data Posted Online France’s spectrum agency ANFR announced a new website that publishes live data on radio frequency (RF) exposure in the vicinity of cell sites taking part in 5G...