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5G News

Scientific Evidence that 5G and 4G Densification Is Not Safe

Many people ask "Where is the scientific evidence? How do you know that 5G and the deployment of small cells (which usually is 4G) is not safe? Why do you say it is harmful?"  The answer is that an ever growing and large body published research has found adverse...

Devra Davis PhD, MPH Letter to the Editor of the Washington Post

On June 4, 2020 the Washington Post published an Oped by Thomas M. Johnson Jr., general counsel of the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC counsel’s Op-ed entitled “5G conspiracy theories threaten the U.S. recovery” refers to “alarmism”  irrational fears and...

Hvar Croatia Halts Introduction of 5G  

Hvar Croatia Halts Introduction of 5G   Hvar Croatia has suspended the introduction of 5G technology “until an independent and impartial study proves that such technology has no negative impact on humans and the environment, the Town Council decided unanimously…” ...