Frank Clegg, former President of Microsoft Canadá opens the Conference. II BRAZILIAN ELECTROMAGNETIC PROTECTION MEETING June 21, 2021, 4 pm - June 25, 2021, 9 pm The online event via Youtube Electromagnetic Radiation and care for the health and the environment...
5G News
New Book on 5G Cellular Standards. Total Radiobiological Assessment of the Danger of Planetary Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure to the Population (in Russian)
5G Cellular Standards. Total Radiobiological Assessment of the Danger of Planetary Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure to the Population (in Russian) G834 Yu.G. Grigoriev, A.S. Samoylov 5G-cellular standards. Total radiobiological assessment of the danger of planetary...
Cell Tower Could Cause Harm Say Experts at Pittsfield Board of Health Forum in Massachusetts
In Pittsfield Massachusetts, the Board of Health held a landmark educational forum inviting some of the worlds experts on cell tower radiation to present on cell tower radiation and illness from electromagnetic radiation. Over a dozen USA children and adults...
Honor the Extraordinary Dr. Devra Davis on Her Birthday
Honor the Extraordinary Dr. Devra Davis on Her Birthday Dr. Devra Davis is a trailblazer still pioneering new paths in public health even on her 75th birthday! We want to thank this scholar and scientist by raising $25,000 for an unprecedented Important new research...
Devra Davis presents at Castello Di Rivoli Digital PTSD II “The Practice of Art and Its Impact on Digital Trauma”
Digital PTSD part II. The Practice of Art and Its Impact on Digital Trauma Dr. Devra Davis is one of the numerous presentations in the video below. Dr. Davis presents on the Health Effects of 5G and Wireless MAY 20, 2021 FROM 3pm-10pm Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte...
Groups, Cities Fight Bills to Speed 5G Wireless Broadband Expansion
Groups, Cities Fight Bills to Speed 5G Wireless Broadband Expansion "You know, many of our kids are not going to afford 5G," he said, "so, there's going to be an increase in cost, which is the primary barrier in the digital divide." Public News Service By Suzanne...
Stephanie Sage Kerst, founder of Sage Living, on Solutions to Reduce Radiation Exposure at Home
Building Biology is the practice of creating a dwelling that is life-enhancing for its inhabitants and has minimal naturally occurring and human-made health hazards. Stephanie Sage Kerst, founder of Sage Living, is a Building Biology Certified Electromagnetic...
EMF-101: The Phonegate Scandal
In June 2017 France released radiation measurements for hundreds of cell phones tested in body contact positions. The results rocked the nation. Cell phones tested in body contact positions had radiation measurements that far exceeded Europe’s allowable limits....
The European Parliament Panel ‘Health impact of 5G’
The European Parliament Panel for the Future of Science and Technology - Presentation of the studies: ‘Health impact of 5G’ Environmental Health Trust has compiled facts on 5G here and research on 5G and 4G densification here Learn how to decrease cell phone...
Learn About Bad 5G Wireless Bills and Health and Environmental Effects of Small Cell Streamlining
Must Watch Video: Stop Bad 5G/4G Wireless Telecom Bills! Lauren Steiner Interviews Catherine Dodd, PhD, RN and Theodora Scarato, MSW, Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust Watch the Video: TAKE ACTION The Vote...