Testimony on Science and Policy of 5G to the Virgin Islands Legislature International Experts presented on 5G to the Committee on Housing, Transportation & Telecommunications in the Legislature of the Virgin Islands Committee on Housing. 5G will increase...
5G News
This Podcasts True Costs Katie Singer on the Environmental Impact of Technology
THIS PODCAST's TRUE COSTS A Talk with Katie Singer on the environmental impact of technology Video link Listen Author Katie Singer (An Electronic Silent Spring) focuses now on reporting the energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, extractions, toxic waste and other...
5G Networks Can Impact Weather Forecasting Say Experts to US Congress
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology U.S. House of Representatives July 20, 2021 “Spectrum Needs for Observations in Earth and Space Sciences” The impact of lost Earth observing data due to interference from 5G networks could be catastrophic for the Nation,...
Study: Feds Should Lower Kids’ Exposure Limits to Wireless Radiation
Study: Feds Should Lower Kids’ Exposure Limits to Wireless Radiation by the Public News Service, Suzanne Potter, Producer Online Link Listen to the PNS report "Study: Feds Should Lower Kids’ Exposure Limits to Wireless Radiation" Thursday, August 5, 2021 SACRAMENTO,...
5G and Small Cell Environmental Effects: Birds, Bees Trees and Climate
Watch EHT Executive Director Theodora Scarato review the environmental effects of 5G and cell network proliferation with a focus on trees, bees and birds. In addition, she documents the increased energy consumption and climate impacts of 5g and the internet of...
Natural Resources Defense Council Amicus Brief on FCC Wireless Radiation Exposure Limits
THE NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNCIL AMICUS BRIEF IN LAWSUIT AGAINST THE FCC NRDC filed an Amicus Brief in EHT's lawsuit against the FCC. EHT's legal appeal in the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit charges that the FCC violated numerous laws...
Kent Chamberlin, PHD Presents on 5G Health and Environmental Effects
Kent Chamberlin, PHD Presents on 5G Health and Environmental Effects and the findings of the New Hampshire Commission on 5G Kent Chamberlin, PHD, Professor & Chair Emeritus, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of New Hampshire New Hampshire...
Should companies be allowed to site small cells 30 feet from residential homes without prior consent?
The following article was published in The Montgomery County Sentinel on July 26, 2021, one day before the Montgomery County Council was set to vote on a bill that would grant cell phone providers the right to put small cell antennas on light posts in front of...
The Times of Israel: “The sorry story of cell phone radiation exposure — how did we get here? Part I”
By Paul Ben Ishai This is going to be a long post, so I will split it into two parts: Part 1 and then its thrilling sequel! Let me describe my day. I wake up at 6:15 to a nagging tune, which I duly ignore until I can no longer do so. Dragging myself through a...
Montgomery County Maryland is Poised to Vote on Opening the Floodgates to 5G Cell Towers
Montgomery County Maryland is Poised to Vote on Opening the Floodgates to 5G Cell Towers The Montgomery County Council is poised to vote on new zoning (ZTA 19-07) that would allow telecom companies to install their highly profitable wireless 5G network equipment in...