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Kids and Smartphones: A Warning for Parents about Harmful Impacts

Kids and smartphones: a warning for parents about harmful impacts Environmental Health Trust has compiled research on how to decrease  cell phone radiation exposure- download it here.  Sign up for EHT's newsletter here.  PhD researcher Sumudu Mallawaarachchi and Dr...

Letter to The EPA To Correct Their Webpages on EMFs and Wireless

EHT Executive Director Theodora Scarato's 2019 Letter to the EPA details inaccurate and misleading information on the EPA website and asks for corrections. She wrote several times since 2019 and still has not received a response. Excerpts April 30, 2019 Questions RE: ...

Take Action to Stop California 5G Streamline Bills 2021

Take Action on Tons of California Telecom Telecom 5G Streamline Bills   The California State Legislature has introduced several bills which help to strip away  local control over the deployment of wireless telecommunications facilities, including 5G antennas, in...

Report: 5G to Increase Energy Consumption by 61 Times

ABI Research White Paper: 5G and Energy Consumption   A 2020 ABI Research DataCenter Forum white paper Environmentally Sustainable 5G Deployment reports that 5G could increase power consumption by 61 times from 2020 to 2030. This is one of numerous industry...

Fire on Rooftop With Cell Antennas in Brooklyn New York

  2021 Cell Antenna Fire A fire broke out on the roof of a Brooklyn New York apartment building reported to be possibly caused by an electrical malfunction of a cell tower on the roof of the building. "According to some reports, the fire was caused by an electrical...