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Protect Children: Demand Congress Takes Action on Wireless Radiation 

Demand Congress Takes Action on Wireless Radiation  On the heels of a major federal court victory,  California Governor Newsom has just vetoed a telecom-sponsored bill that would have paved the way for 5G cell tower antennas into California neighborhoods. Dozens of...

New Film on Cell Phone Radiation “Something Is In The Air”

The film “Something is in the Air” asks if the radiation from your cell phone or cell towers is harmful to your health. What about cell tower radiation impacts to bees and pollinators? Are scientific conclusions tied to the interests of those who fund the studies? How...

Senegal Policy on 5G Cell Phones and Cell Towers

Senegal September 8, 2021: News Reports show the country will utilize equipment  for "continuous measurement of electromagnetic fields" towards electromagnetic radiation mapping for cities and public areas. in addition, the country is establishing a non ionizing...

Timeline of Development of Safety Limits for Wireless Radiation in US

Stay updated on the latest news by signing up for EHT's newsletter here. After WWII: US begins robust interagency research: 1957 Conference Report,  1967 Air Force Report, 1971 Naval Report, 1978 Report Office of Science & Technology, 1978 Conference, 1979 Dept of...