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New Hampshire Legislature Votes To Study Cell Tower Setback Bill

  New Hampshire Legislature Votes To Send Cell Tower Setback Bill to Interim Study  The New Hampshire legislature voted to send historic legislation on cell tower radiation to interim study after hearing extensive testimony regarding the health effects of cell...

Wired Internet is Faster and More Reliable

Ofcom launches Campaign that includes using wired internet because it is faster and more reliable. "Try wired rather than wireless For the best broadband speeds, use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer directly to your router rather than using wifi. This is a...

Technology FAQs: How to Reduce Exposure to Wireless

Technology Hardwired technology is faster, safer and more secure compared to wireless. Plus, wired uses less energy compared to wireless.  Learn how to reduce exposure to wireless radiation from technology in your home by switching to wired tech. Below we have links...

Cell Phones

Easy Ways to Reduce Cell phone Radiation  Cell phone radiation is not safe.  Peer-reviewed research has demonstrated a myriad of adverse effects from cell phone radiofrequency radiation including increased brain cancer, DNA damage, oxidative stress, immune...

Laptops Health and Safety Especially For Children

Laptops emit wireless electromagnetic microwave radiation just like cellphones do. This is what you need to know.  Laptops are generally radiation tested at 20 cm from the body. Laptops have fine print warnings about keeping this separation distance between the body...

Virtuality Reality Health FAQS

  Environmental Health Trust scientists caution that virtual reality is not safe for children. For years they have called on on Google to stop the spread into schools of wireless virtual reality systems in schools, specifically the Global Expeditions Pioneer...

Smartmeters Health and Safety FAQs

What are Smartmeters? Smartmeters are the new utility consumption measurement devices for electricity, water, and gas that are being installed across the nation, at residences and other buildings. There would be a separate meter for each type of utility and they are...

iPads and Tablets Safety FAQS

Important Safety Information About iPads and Tablets Before purchasing a new tablet, please consider this important safety information. iPads and Tablets Emit Microwave Radiation: Wireless iPads and tablets emit constant bursts of pulsed wireless microwave radiation...