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ELETTRA – Italian Short Movie on Electromagnetic Sensitivity

ELETTRA - Italian Short Movie on Electromagnetic Sensitivity (English Subtitles) Elettra is free to watch online at vimeo.  Cell phone and cell towers emit electromagnetic radiation. Electra is a girl like any other: she spends her time studying, shares an apartment...

In Memoriam Franz Adlkofer MD, PhD 

In Memoriam Franz Adlkofer MD, PhD  With the passing of Dr. Franz Adlkofer the world has lost an extraordinarily talented and gifted researcher and his family has lost a dear father, grandfather and husband.  Franz was a gentle brilliant giant and I was honored to...

Reflex Study Finds Genotoxic Effects 2004

Title of the project: Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Energy Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods   Period covered by the progress report 1 February 2000 – 31 May 2004 Results and Milestones: The...