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Who is entitled to interpret the risks of mobile phone radiation?

New diagnose-funk publication: Who is entitled to interpret the risks of mobile phone radiation? About campaigns by a cartel of industry, Federal Office for Radiation Protection and ICNIRP Message From Peter Hensinger scientific director of Diagnose-Funk. In 2022,...


ANOTHER STUPID DEFAULT: AIRDROP "EVERYONE" Information from a Montgomery County Parent.  If you've ever looked at your kid's phone and seen obscene, scuzzy, incriminating images or videos, don't be so fast to assume he/she is to blame. Kids are AirDropping this junk...

Science on Electromagnetic Sensitivity 

Science on Electromagnetic Sensitivity Balmori, A. (2022). Evidence for a health risk by RF on humans living around mobile phone base stations: From radiofrequency sickness to cancer. Environmental Research, 214, 113851.

Letter New York City 5G Poles

Letter from Congressmember Jerrold Nadler, City of New York, Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, City Council Majority Leader Keith Powers, City Council Member Julie Menin to New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission Commissioner Carroll.   Dear...

5G will increase energy demands and is not energy efficient

Empowered states that 5G will increase energy demands and is not energy efficient. Excerpts from Empowered "The information and communications technology (ICT) sector is responsible for 2-3% of global emissions – a number that is expected to increase to 7% by 2030,...

320 Cell Towers in India Exceeding Radiation Emission Limits

320 mobile towers found exceeding prescribed EMF radiation limits as of December 2022: Economic Times  Indian Telecom Department field units have tested as many as 11.6 lakh BTSs across the country for compliance with stipulated EMF radiation norms as of December...