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Petition: Ban Blinding Headlights and Save Lives!

There has been a historic spike in road fatalities recently. According to the National Safety Council, 2018 marked 3 straight years with 40,000+ road deaths (the first time since the Great Depression), with a total of a 14% increase in fatalities over the last 4....

NewStudy: Powerlines Near Homes Linked to Leukemia

Another case control study finds close proximity to high-voltage power lines  associated with an excess risk of childhood leukemia, particularly among the youngest children. Methods: We conducted a case-control study to investigate the risk of leukemia associated with...

Radiofrequency Radiation From Wireless: Are Safety Limits Valid

An ICBE-EMF Sponsored Webinar Program ICBE-EMF-Sponsored Workshop at the Royal Society of Medicine in London RADIOFREQUENCY RADIATION FROM WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SOURCES ARE SAFETY LIMITS VALID? Wednesday June 14 from 2:00 pm (14:00) to 5:30pm (17:30), London,...

Cell Phone Radiation Health Effects

Cell phone, cell towers, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth all use wireless frequencies to transmit data. Hundreds of studies have been published clearly documenting that this type of wireless radiation can cause harm.  European Parliament requested a research report  “Health...

Act Now to Stop California Cell Tower Fast Track Bills

Act Today Stop Aggressive Cell Tower Proliferation  The Vote Could Be This Monday - May 22! Two New Fast-Track Bills in California Threaten Neighborhoods -- Other States Will Follow Two California state bills AB 965 and AB 1065 would fast track wireless infrastructure...