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France threatens total recall of iPhone 12 over RF power concerns

France threatens total recall of iPhone 12 over RF power concerns Mike Wuerthele, Apple Insider, Sep 12, 2023 Online link  At about the same time the iPhone 15 launched, France has declared that the iPhone 12 cannot be sold in the country, because it reportedly...

Paul Brodeur Evidence Exists To Mistrust Wireless industry Safety Claims

Paul Brodeur's full statement to HuffPost is below: In a piece entitled "17 Best Movie Moments of 2013" that appeared in the Huffington Post on January 6, 2014, Christopher Rosen, a senior entertainment editor, includes a trailer from the film "American Hustle,” which...

Study Finds Cell Towers Near Homes Drops Property Value 2.4 to 9.7%

Study Finds Cell Towers Near Homes Drops Property Value  A 2018 study published in the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics found for properties located within 0.72 kilometers [2362 feet] of the closest cell tower, property values declined 2.46% on average,...

Science on Wireless Radiation Finds Significant Effects Dr. Henry Lai

Science on Health Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Thirty Years of Research The preponderance of research published from 1990 through July 2023 has found significant effects from exposure to wireless radio frequency radiation as well as to extremely low...

Italy Refuses to Loosen Wireless Radiation Limits For 5G 

Italy Refuses to Loosen Wireless Radiation Limits For 5G  The Italian government has halted a controversial proposal that would have weakened the country’s strict wireless radiation exposure limits.  The now defunct proposal was intended to support 5G networks by...

Wireless Radiation Health Effects: Chronic Oxidative Stress

Cell phones, Wi-Fi and cell towers all emit radio-frequency (RF) radiation. Numerous research studies link RF exposure to oxidative stress, a critical health endpoint. Chronic oxidative stress is connected to cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, and many...