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Sharon Kehnemui

TR Daily: FCC Urged to Refresh RF Standards Dockets

FCC Urged to Refresh Radio Frequency Radiation Standards Dockets Dec. 1, 2021 Reprinted with permission of TR Daily. PDF The Environmental Health Trust (EHT) has asked the FCC to reopen a proceeding on its RF standards rules “and allow for the record to be refreshed...

Join Us on #GivingTuesday2021 to Protect Our Children

This year, Environmental Health Trust is joining Giving Tuesday to raise the voices of the hundreds of thousands of people who have expressed their concern about the massive increase in radiofrequency radiation from the use of wireless cell phones and devices and deployment of millions of cell towers and antennas.

The FCC — Out Of The Playbook of The Tobacco Industry

By Devra Davis Pity Facebook! The gargantuan cartel stands charged inside and out with manipulating and monetizing the heartbeats and minds of billions. Missing so far from public consideration is another undeniable characteristic of our increasingly digitalized...